Consultant Orthopaedic Knee and Trauma Surgeon
Costs and medical insurance

Costs & Medical Insurance

Self-Funding Patients

More patients are choosing to fund their private treatment independently rather than pay constantly increasing yearly premiums. Following an initial consultation and subsequent investigations a diagnosis will be made and a plan created. A quote for this plan including all surgical and anaesthetic costs can be obtained from the Fitzwilliam Hospital.


My operating fees, like most consultants, have not risen since 1992. I am 'Fee Assured' with all insurers and my charges are within the benefit maxima from 2010. If you have any queries about my charges or insurer maxima please do not hesitate to ask either during your consultation or e-mail my secretary.

View Fees

Insured Patients

I am recognised as a consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon by all the major healthcare insurance companies

Information for GPs

Dear Colleague, thank you very much indeed for referring your patient to me or looking for further information on patient treatment. I would be happy to telephone you directly if you would prefer to discuss any more complex issues with your patients. I have provided a link below to an important document from the Federation of Independent Practitioner Organisations (FIPO) regarding patient choice. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

Download 'Information for general practitioners about referring patients in the Independent Sector'

01733 842 309    Email Secretary